May 31,2023 Posted by Admin

What is finance shared service? Can this be outsourced?

Finance shared services refer to centralized units within an organization that provide a wide range of financial functions and services to other departments or business units within the same organization. Instead of each department handling its own finance-related tasks independently, a shared services model consolidates these functions into a central team.

The purpose of finance shared services is to streamline and standardize financial processes, increase efficiency, and reduce costs. By centralizing tasks such as accounts payable, accounts receivable, general ledger, financial reporting, payroll processing, and other finance-related activities, organizations can achieve economies of scale, improve process consistency, and leverage specialized expertise.

Key features of finance shared services include:

1. Centralization: The consolidation of finance functions into a single shared services center or team, often located in a central location or shared services hub.

2. Standardization: The implementation of standardized processes, policies, and procedures to ensure consistency and efficiency across the organization.

3. Service orientation: The shared services team acts as an internal service provider, offering support and expertise to other departments or business units within the organization.

4. Cost reduction: By centralizing finance functions, organizations can eliminate duplication of efforts, reduce staffing needs, and optimize technology infrastructure, resulting in cost savings.

5. Specialization: Shared services centers often employ specialized finance professionals who possess expertise in specific areas, allowing for better service delivery and improved financial outcomes.

Finance shared services can offer several benefits to organizations, including improved financial controls, faster transaction processing, better data integrity, enhanced reporting and analysis capabilities, and increased focus on strategic finance initiatives. It enables organizations to shift their focus from transactional and administrative tasks to more value-added activities that contribute to business growth and success.

Benefits of Outsourcing Finance Shared services –
Finance shared services can be outsourced to third-party service providers. This is known as finance shared services outsourcing or finance outsourcing. Instead of maintaining an in-house shared services center, organizations can choose to outsource their finance functions to an external service provider.

Finance shared services outsourcing involves transferring the responsibility for specific finance-related tasks or even the entire finance function to a third-party provider. The outsourced provider typically operates from a separate location, often in a different country or region, and may have expertise in delivering finance services to multiple clients.

The decision to outsource finance shared services is usually driven by factors such as cost reduction, access to specialized expertise, scalability, and a desire to focus on core business functions. By outsourcing, organizations can benefit from:

1. Cost savings: Outsourcing finance shared services can offer potential cost savings by leveraging economies of scale and accessing lower-cost labor markets.

2. Expertise: Outsourcing providers often have specialized knowledge and experience in finance processes, technology, and best practices, leading to improved service quality and efficiency.

3. Scalability: Outsourcing allows organizations to quickly scale their finance operations up or down based on business needs without the need for extensive internal restructuring.

4. Technology advancements: Outsourcing providers may have access to advanced financial systems, tools, and technologies, allowing organizations to benefit from the latest innovations without significant upfront investments.

5. Focus on core competencies: By outsourcing finance shared services, organizations can redirect internal resources and attention to strategic activities that directly contribute to their core business objectives.

It’s important to note that outsourcing finance shared services also comes with potential risks and challenges. These include concerns related to data security and privacy, the need for effective vendor management, maintaining control over critical finance processes, and ensuring smooth collaboration and communication between the organization and the outsourcing provider.

Organizations considering finance shared services outsourcing should carefully evaluate potential providers, negotiate service level agreements (SLAs), establish clear communication channels, and closely monitor performance to ensure desired outcomes are achieved.